The brain might be one of the smallest part of the body, but its functions are very important and beneficial to the body. For this reason, a regular and constant blood flow is required for one to have a healthy functioning brain. Because of this, one needs to have a transcranial doppler ultrasound test so as to ensure that there is nothing affecting blood vessels that supply the brain with the required blood flow. Various conditions that affect the brain due to lack of proper blood circulation in the brain. So, if you experience any condition caused by the brain not functioning as it should, one is advised to visit a healthcare provider for the transcranial doppler tcd test which is mostly the best diagnosis option for the brain. Learn more here :

Explaining the Transcranial Doppler Ultrasound Test

Transcranial doppler tcd is a non-invasive and painless ultrasound procedure. This ultrasound technique uses high frequency to examine the rate of blood flow in the brain. With the tests, doctors can examine and keep records of the speed at which blood flows in the arteries found at the base of the brain, and this helps to keep check of various conditions that affects its normal functioning.

A transcranial doppler ultrasound can also be recommended if doctors want to monitor the success of certain brain treatments. A good example is monitoring how clots inside the brain arteries break up.

What Happens During a TCD Test

The doctor will use of a transducer, a microphone like device called put on the part of the head with vessel sites that supply the brain with blood. The device sends sound waves at a high frequency through the skull and into the brain, capturing useful data and information about the circulation of blood. The signal is then displayed on a screen as a graph and pictures to be interpreted as a diagnosis of the blood circulation in the brain.

Conditions that Can Be Diagnosed and Monitored through Transcranial Doppler Ultrasound

Some medical conditions that affect blood flow in the brain will affect its health and functionality and in turn affect other body functions. Below are some of the conditions that can be diagnosed and monitored through this ultrasound technique.

  • Cerebral microemboli. This is a condition where one has blood clots circulating in the bloodstream and it can lead to a ministroke.
  • Acute ischemic stroke. This is a condition that happens when a clot develops in a blood vessel that supplies the brain. The condition requires urgent diagnosis and regular monitoring as it can cut oxygen supply to the brain completely if not monitored or diagnosed for treatment.
  • The risk of stroke in children and even adults with sickle cell anaemia. This is due to blood clots
  • Vasospasm. This is where blood vessels in the brain narrow because of a rapture. The condition can be life-threatening if not diagnosed and monitored using transcranial doppler ultrasound.
  • Stenosis in brain arteries. This is a condition that comes about because of the hardening of blood vessels, and may cause blockages.

Conditions affecting the functioning of the brain should be taken seriously. Such conditions require a faster diagnosis and an effective way of monitoring healing during treatment. Transcranial doppler ultrasound will assist in all these functions. This technique is painless and does not leave one with any side effect and one gets to see the results immediately after the procedure. This makes it the good choice for diagnosis and monitoring brain conditions.